Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hey try checking the bag...SAMSONITE, I was way off!

Hello everybody! It's been a good week here in Tucson. Still hot, but getting better, slowly but surely! It's transfer week and I am... staying in Los Reales. But Elder Thomas and I are receiving a new companion named Elder Smith. So we'll be a threesome. Elder Smith is waiting for a visa so that he can head out to Peru. Oh, and he doesn't know how to ride a bike yet... so we'll see how that works out.

We had a baptism this last Saturday, it was pretty awesome. Veronica Toledo is her name. She had her brother baptize her and it took him SIX times but it got done in the end.

We have another baptism this Saturday for Miguel, he's one of my favorite investigators ever. He started out as a loser alcoholic who did nothing all day but drink and live at his Mom's house. Well he's kicked the alcohol, has a job, payed off his tickets, and is getting baptized this Saturday! I love seeing the gospel bring purpose into the lives of others!

Yes, yes I know, I AM a political genius and I DID call that Sarah Palin was a legit VP candidate more than a year ago. It's a little sad to hear that my man Mitt is out of it. I wonder what he's going to do for the next four years.

Every now and then and here and there I catch glimpses and soundbites about the gay marriage issue that's going on. Half of me is really glad that I'm not home to witness it, and the other half of me wishes I was there to fight the fight. I guess there's always the next go-around when it becomes and issue again in another two years.

So I don't know how much of this I've shared with you but things are really taking off in our branch. We keep setting the record for attendance each week (Even on labor day weekend), this month we're going to pass the record for baptisms in the branch in a year, we've actually finally got most of the leadership positions filled, and the members are excited for the work!

Well that's it for this week. Hope this email was long enough for you. If you'd like to know more... send me some questions! I love you all! Thanks for your love and support.


Elder Ben "Tree" Wilson