Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's possible, Pig, I may be bluffing....

Happy Wednesday everybody! As you may have guessed, we weren't able to email on Monday because of MLK day. But here I am and it's been a great week so far.

First of all we had two baptisms on Saturday (and two confirmations on Sunday). A woman and her daughter, Zineb and Alexzy. Yes, I know that their names are weird. Zineb's Dad is from Morocco so that's where that comes from. The baptism was really powerful, and they're looking really strong right now.

Yesterday was zone conference and it was AMAZING! My companion and I were asked to give a training on how to work with members and that went really well. President Walker gave an incredible training on the atonement and the sacrament. It was just unbelievably powerful. He talked about Christ's appearing in the Americas and how the people weren't truly converted until they saw the marks in his hands and feet, the emblems of his sacrifice, so to speak. Afterwards the sacrament was blessed and administered. (yes, we can do that, I already asked) The spirit was THICK, almost tangible. It was crazy. I guess I'm just kind of giving up on the written word at this point, there's no way I could possibly type how strongly the spirit was present.

Also, we had an opportunity to go on exchanges with the assistants the other day. I was comped up with an Elder named Elder Moss and he's AWESOME. We had a really cool experience right after Zone Conference. We had already chosen the night before an area that we were going to knock for the half hour we had between zone conference and a service project for an investigator. Well we drove to the area, felt inspired to stop at a certain point, and pulled over. We grabbed our books hopped out, and another car pulled up right behind us, a woman, just coming home. We contacted her, taught her a first lesson (She was super ready to hear the gospel), gave her a Book of Mormon, set up a return appointment for the next day (later today) and when we finished, we realized it was time for the service project so we packed up and left. It was just like an appointment with the Lord. We pulled up, our investigator came, we taught our lesson, and then left. Total miracle, it was awesome.

To answer the questions real quick:
My health is fine. I did get the packages from home (THANK YOU SO MUCH!) The weather here is warm during the day (mid 70s) and cold at night. We haven't had any wind storms in a long time. Thank you for the updates on MV basketball and let me know what happens in their shadow with De La Salle ASAP.

Well the work just continues to progress here in El Paso. This is the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and it's just going to keep filling the earth. I'm happy to be here and glad to be serving the Lord. A sincere thanks to all of you who offer your support through emails, letters, and prayers. It sure makes it a lot easier to be a missionary when you have such a great group of friends standing behind and supporting you.


Elder Ben Wilson

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