Monday, July 27, 2009

Isaiah 41:14 you never knew that "worm" is a compliment

Hello everybody! It's been another great week here in Sierra Vista. Except for our septic tank backing up because of the monsoon season causing out trailer to STINK! But besides that, everything great.

Raymundo, our recent convert, is in the hospital because of his diabetes again. But we went and saw him yesterday and he was in really good spirits and it looks like he'll be out today. His wife came to church anyways, which is a very good sign.

We got a referral from Brother Thompson, a member of a different ward, for a Hispanic couple to teach in his home. We did and it was a great lesson. Brother Thompson's wife is a convert who used to be Catholic, so she could really relate to these people we were teaching. "Wait, you used to be Catholic just like us? and you converted? why? what was it like?" Perfect teaching situation.

On Saturday, we got contacted by two people who wanted to hear the gospel. Not something that happens everyday. We were driving on our way to dinner and some 19 year old kid waved us down and said he used to live with some members of the church and wanted to learn more. Then we got a call from a man who had talked with missionaries a couple of years ago, Elder Miller and Elder Whimmer, and he told us that he wanted us to stop by and teach him a little bit more. It's not every day that people are coming to you instead of you going to them! The Lord is really blessing us out here.

There's been a less-active, recent convert who has been coming back to church lately named Jaime. He comes from a seventh day Adventist background and even though he's a convert, he WILL NOT give up Saturday as the sabbath. He also brought his father to church on Sunday. Well we go into the gospel principles class and the teacher says "Open up to chapter 24" and I open up my book and the chapter is about... THE SABBATH DAY. I'm not going to lie, things got kind of ugly for a while with arguments and disagreements, but it turned out alright.

Things are going great out here, I love you all. Thanks for the letters, love and support.


Elder Wilson

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