Tuesday, June 2, 2009

They go together like lamb and tuna fish

Hello everyone! It's been another good week here in Sierra Vista! Yesterday was stake conference and it was really good. Except that there were problems with people forgetting to bring the translation equipment so there really wasn't any translation and so our investigators didn't understand anything... but besides that it was awesome! The best part about it is that a recently returned missionary called us last night and told us that he had invited a hispanic lady that he had met at work to come, and she did, along with her kids and a friend that she invited! It's always nice to have five people drop out of the sky and come to church.

Ok, a story from last week that I promised I was going to tell. We have an investigator who lives out in the boonies in a little place called Whetstone. His name is Raymundo. He has a lot of vision problems, including that he's going blind. Because of all of his health problems he had developed anger towards God, and had doubted His existence. Well anyways, the missionaries before me were getting ready to drop him because he wasn't showing much interest or keeping his commitments. Well Elder Hodson and I decided that what he needed more than anything was to pray. He said he was praying but wasn't willing to pray in front of us. It's kind of a well known fact of missionary work that anyone who isn't willing to pray in front of you isn't praying in private, at least not in such a way that they're going to be able to receive answers to their prayers.

So we just threw down a prayer lesson and told him that he had to pray. He wouldn't. So we battled and battled and finally I just said "Okay Raymundo, we're going to kneel down, okay?" Okay. "Now say Heavenly Father and then whatever comes to your mind." At which point Elder Hodson and I crossed our arms and closed our eyes so that he couldn't say no.

Raymundo then began to pray and offered one of the most prayers that I've heard on my entire mission. It was amazing to see the change that came over him as God took out his stony heart and replaced with a heart of flesh on the spot. The spirit descended upon him, his countenance was changed, and he was purified, head to toe. Prayer works. Miracles happen.

Raymundo and his wife have baptismal dates now and they came to church yesterday.

One of my favorite things about this area is the Tanner family. They're a member family out in Whetstone. They feed us once a week and they give us my kind of food: Raw goat milk, homegrown fruits and vegetables, homemade bread and jam, etc. Of course they're a little more hard-core than me (They think the federal reserve is an abomination, they don't have the internet or a phone, and believe in vast government conspiracies) but the food there is awesome, and they definitely strike a note with the hippie side of me.

I don't know if I ever told you, but a couple of weeks ago, President Walker banned basketball. Apparently there were some injuries in other zones. I don't know what to do with myself. A world without basketball is a world without hope. Speaking of which, what's happening in the playoffs? To be honest I ask everyone who looks like they might be somewhat interested if they know what's going on with the NBA playoffs when we're knocking doors, but even so, a surprising number of people have no idea. Don't worry, I try to preach the gospel to them, too.

I got the package. Thank you thank you thank you. Delicious granola, the best batch yet! And thanks for the pre-stamped envelopes... I guess... I'll try to use them.

This last week we had zone conference together with the Gila Valley zone. We went up to Thatcher for it. I always thought that the Gila Valley was a decent sized place, but it's a TINY little farming community. You're going to be able to see that temple for MILES!

I hope everyone else is doing well. The gospel is TRUE! Write me back when you get a chance.

Con amor,

Elder Ben Wilson

P.S. I was on exchanges and there was a missionary who had a magazine/pamphlet thing on temples that I would really like to get. It's not the little pamphlet by Boyd K. Packer but it kind of looks like a full sized magazine and has a bunch of beautiful pictures of temples from around the world and articles by various church authorities. If someone could tell me how to get one, I'd love to be able to show that to investigators and converts. Thanks!

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