Monday, August 18, 2008

April 1, 2008 - Greetings from dusty Chaparral

HEELLOO everyone! I am indeed alive and kicking here in Chaparral. I've had some tough luck getting to the internet for the past week or so but now I'm back. First off to answer some questions:

1) Yes the bike seat is fixed.
2) We eat with members about 4-5 times a week and the food really varies. Somtimes we get awesome Mexican enchiladas, sometimes we get expired Hot Dogs.
3) On preperation days we have to drive half an hour into NorthEast El Paso in order to do email and go shopping for the week. When we have extra time we usually just clean although this past week we built a 1-hole mini golf course in our dirt driveway. (and made a makeshift club out of PVC pipe, a Nestle quick mix container, and duct tape.
4) We cover one Spanish Branch. It's reasonably sized, (working towards the goal of becoming a ward) and we meet 20 minutes away from Chaparral in a town called Anthony. It is a spanish speaking branch and only about 1/4-1/3 of them come from Chaparral.

Also, I got two packages from the parents and one from the Hares on my birthday. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Hares, the ties are awesome! I'm actually wearing one of them right now. and Mom, that really is an unusually tasty batch of Granola that you cooked up. Thank you thank you thank you all so much. I had an awesome birthday.

Some of my investigators, the Varela family, threw me a birthday party on the big day and that was pretty awesome. We had enchiladas and then a chocolate cake for desert. Damara Varela, the daughter of the family, is getting baptized this Sunday after conference and her Mom, Sofia, is getting baptized a couple of weeks after that.

Sofia's sister, Veronica, is AMAZING! She's the first one of the family that we originally contacted and she has a really really strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. A lot of time she rushes us whenever we're trying to make friendly small talk and says "You need to go visit everyone! Time is precious, let's get to the lesson!" Veronica is awesome! She would be baptized already but she and the man she's been living with for the past 15 years aren't married. She's asked him and she's working on it but for whatever reason he doesn't want to get married. bum. But she's already paying tithing etc. etc. she's awesome.

Today we had a half-mission conference with an area authority 70, Elder Olsen. He was pretty awesome and he talked about the atonement and his wife gave a very nice talk on kindness.

Well it looks like I'm about of time but I love you all very very much and I'm doing well here in Chaparral. Thank you to everyone who wrote me, I really appreciate it.

Viva Chaparral!


Elder Wilson

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