Monday, August 18, 2008

September 6, 2007

So I've got that thing on where you can't go back and type in the middle of sentences, It'l just write over whatever you had before so I'm afraid I'm going to have to just write and if I forget something, put it in the end. Sorry if you didn't understand that.

Things are great here in the MTC! Thanks to Brig for bringing me memory cards for my camera, I really appreciate it cuz I didn't have any more room for pics.

Good to hear from you everyone!
Mary, I love hearing about your boys. Good to hear they're getting so big! Make sure to keep showing them pictures of Uncle Ben so they don't forget.

Mom and Dad, It's true what Brig told me, that I would come to have an extra appreciation for you two on my mission. So true. I love you so much and I"m praying for you all the time.

Nathan! Congradulations on the call! I didn't know if any of you knew this but four of the missionaries in my district are going to the Philymission. Elder Jones, my companion, is going to Philly, so if you meet and Elder Jones while you're there say hey for me. Congradulations I'm super proud of you.

Brian VB - Good to hear from you, bro. Keep holdin' it down in the Ville. I hear they're changing the ward boundaries. Let me know how that works out. Can the new Danville people even handle Alamo coolness? Probably not. Lemme know.

So apparently everybody already knows about my eye. I'm still thinking of a cool story for how it happened but until then all you need to know is that i split open my eyebrow and had to get five stitches. It wasn't a big deal, never hurt, and the stitches are already out. I have a mini-scar in my eyebrow but you can barely see it.
Actually, it was kinda good. I don't know if anyone remembers but I split open my eyebrow in the exact same spot while playing basketball at central park a year or two ago. I didn't get stitches then and i had a decent sized scar.
This injury actually happened in the exact same spot, and because I got it stitched up this time, I think I actually have a smaller scar now! Don't know if that makes any sense but I'm pretty sure it's true.

So everything is pretty consistent here. We got a new district in our branch. One of the elders in the new district is named Elder Anai. He's a big Samoan who got Football offers from BYU, LSU, and Auburn. Probably the biggest man I've seen in my life.

Well anyways he and his roommates were being really loud one night after bed time so Elder Rogers (A roommate of mine) and I went to go quiet them down. We knock on their door and Rogers takes off around the corner, I don't know why he did it but I followed him anyways.
Elder Anai opens the door to see who it is but upon seeing no one, closes the door and they start talking again.
Rogers knocks again, and Anai comes out again and sees no one.
Repeat one more time. So the last time we knock Anai starts walking around looking for who's doing it. I've never been so scared. I felt like a dinosaur from Jurassic Park was looking for us.
Eventually he comes around the corner and Elder Rogers yells "BOOM!"
Elder Anai, a 6'6" 300 pound beast JUMPS in the air, screams like a little girl, and takes off down the hall.
By far, the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Ever.

Other than that I don't know what to tell you. The Spanish is coming well, I'm learning a lot Spiritually and in terms of the language. I'm more or less healthy. The Emergen-c's that Mom sent me are a LIFE SAVER!

Oh yeah, i don't think I told you all about going to the hospital. ESPNews was on! I didn't know what to do! I mean on one hand we aren't supposed to watch TV but on the other I had NOTHING else to do and it was RIGHT THERE and even if I didn't watch I could hear it. I kinda compromised. Oops, oh well. It was cool to be in the outside world for a second and realize that it really does exist.

I love all you people, especially my familiy. I think everyone has my address through Mom, so if people want to send me pictures (Especially if Mary wants to send me pictures of Luke and Nikolai) that is definitely okay.

Sorry if I don't answer questions well, I read the letters through the week and usually forget what people asked me by the time I write my email on Thursday. Alas.

I'm doing great, I love you all!

Elder Ben

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