Monday, August 18, 2008

January 22, 2008 - LAS VEGAS, what fun! Lake Mead, Hoov. . .

Hello one an all. Things are going well here in New Mexico, crazy and fun, as always.

To answer a few questions:
As far as Spanish goes: I speak very well, but my comprehension is lagging behind a little bit. All in all I'm doing well with the language and progressing quickly.

Regarding weather: Right now it gets warm during the day, and freezing during the night/early morning. So the comforter will definitely be appreciated.

As far as printing stuff out: Yes, technically I could, but I won't, so it's better to send by snail mail if you want to send something very big or long.

And unfortunately I have not as of yet recieved the conference DVD. I don't know where that went wrong or it is just still coming but nothing yet.

Well the landmark event of this last week was the craziest baptism ever. We have some sister missionaries in the same branch as us and they had a baptism this last saturday. We went and brought a couple of investigators to show them what a baptism is like and hopefully help them to feel the spirit there. Well the man who did the baptism was an old, short, fat brother named Hermano Olivas (Not to demean him but his physical characteristics will help you understand some of the problems). The first warning sign was that he started by saying "Dear heavenly father..." the first time he tried to baptize the brother, it was botched beyond belief. The prayer wasn't even close, and the water was a little low and he didn't get him under. I'll just summarize the rest by saying that it took three more tries, and at one point a few people thought that hermano Olivas was trying to drown the brother. YIKES!

Cool experience this week, we found a big family, La familia Candelaria. Nine people in the family, seven of baptismal age. At first they were really receptive and were loving it until we got to the Book of Mormon. At that point the wife realized that we are "Mormons", and completely closed off to us. She just thought of us as "different" and didn't want to event think about other religions. She said that she didn't want her children to grow up confused and she wouldn't even think about taking them to other churches.

Well we talked about prayer and receiving answers from God and invited her husband to say the closing prayer and ask to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet and if this message is true. It was a really powerful prayer and everyone felt the spirit, even his wife. She seemed very humbled at the end and invited us back to share more.

We can be the best missionaries in the world, and unbelievably amazing teachers; but still, most of the real missionary work and conversion process takes place when they're on their knees.

By the way, the Jehova's Witness knocked on our door during personal study. They wanted to teach me. First they taught me that wars are bad then I showed them Exodus 15 (Jehova is a man of war). Next they taught me that Christ isn't God, then I showed them Isiah where it says "I am JEHOVAH and there is no other savior besides me". Then I told them that they should read the bible on their own and they would see that there never was a dispensation that was started out of a study group. Then I gave them both first lesson pamphlets and sent them on their way. All in all it was a fun half hour.

Well anyways things are going great out here. I'm learning a ton. Thanks to everyone who sent me emails/letters. It always feels good to get a little love from home. I realize more and more every day what amazing family and friends I truly have.

I love you all!


Elder Wilson

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