Monday, August 18, 2008

May 19, 2008

Hello one and all! We had a successful week out here in Horizon and we're even more excited for this week!

First off, a couple of questions:
1) What part of El Paso did Dwight Jackson grow up in?
2) (for Brig) What ward does Dave Hyer live in?

We found a lot of new, awesome investigators this week. The next step is just trying to get the members involved in the work and I think as soon as we do that, things are really going to blow up around here.

One of our investigators got snatched by the migra in the middle of the night. So there goes one baptismal date. I guess it comes with the territory.

I also had the wonderful opportunity of eating some Menudo a couple of nights ago. It's a soup made with cow stomach and I had one HUGE, NASTY piece of stomach that had a piece of cow hair sticking out of it. ....everyone talks about "cultural experiences" as being a benefit of the mission so I guess I should treasure moments like that.

On Saturday we went to the one grocery store in Horizon and got permission to set up a Book of Mormon stand outside of the store. We're probably going to do it this Saturday. I'm pumped! Pray for us!

Happy Birthday to Poppa! 91 and still going strong! I find it difficult to express the emotions that I feel when I remember those special Saturday mornings of recieving his wise and common-sense counsel in one of a few Danville coffee shops. I have always looked up to Poppa as an incredibly decent sort of man. Someone who respects and commands respect. Someone who loves and is in turn loved by his family and associates. A man of a happy and even disposition, and someone holding an uncommon amount of common sense. Happy Birthday Poppa!

Good luck Dad! That's great that your surgery got moved up... I'll be praying for you! I love you, you're the greatest Dad ever! Your faith and strength has and always will be an inspiration to me.

I'm healthy and happy, and loving Horizon. Stay in touch!


Elder Wilson

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